Why isn’t your reality matching the one God promises and the one that wants to flow in? The one you yearn for? Because our ego/ our programmed self runs us. We live from our programmed, limited self and never stop to question WHY and WHY NOT? Why do I believe this? Why is this my reality? How am I participating in this remaining my reality? What limiting beliefs and patterns are keeping me stuck?

We all know the importance of reprogramming and busting through limiting beliefs BUT honestly, it just feels daunting. In this episode, Connie guides you through identifying your limiting beliefs and shares how to blast them with an empowered approach that unleashes the already realized divine self that lives within you so you can experience powerful changes in your reality.

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FREE On Demand Workshops:
Your Inheritance: Thrive In The Life Of Freedom, Joy, and Abundance You Were Created For!
Create Your Freedom Business Workshop!

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Breaking Free
6 Powerful Questions

Connie’s Online Course:
Your Breakthrough Experience

SOAR In 2024 Plan Your Unique Path to Purpose, Profit, and Pleasure

Connie’s Best Selling Book, Warrior Arise! Live Bravely, Freely, Authentically YOU!

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FB – @conniejonescoaching
IG – @conniejonescoach

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