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CJ Coaching - Minimalist Logo

Check-In: How do clients flow into your therapy, coaching, wellness, or healing arts practice?

You started your business because you want to share what you’ve studied and internalized—your gifts and modalities. You love helping people and creating transformation, and you want to help make the world—your community—a better place. You work from your heart, and you serve people with compassion. It’s gotten you where you are today. And that’s great.

But so many practitioners, coaches, and therapists hit a wall at some point in their business that has little to do with the number of people needing your services and much to do with how you are communicating and connecting with potential clients.

Your business has grown to its current level because people are benefiting from working with you, and you are effective and knowledgeable with your modalities. So why aren’t they flocking to your doorstep?

Introducing the Business Breakthrough Tool

We’ve developed a quiz to prepare you to dig deep into your evolution for greater impact! We encourage you to take the Business Growth Tool first, and then head back here to the blog for more insights. Take the quiz!

Ready with your answers? Bottom line: You’re looking to grow your client base, your practice offerings, your revenue, and your impact. Here are four practical approaches to help you expand your reach and welcome more clients into your practice.

While we called these “Tips” above, each adjustment that’s available to you is more of an approach. These leadership behaviors aren’t simply one-and-done; they provide sustainable, practical shifts in your mindset and behavior to evolve the way you grow your practice as a business. 

Approach #1: Cultivate Authentic Relationships.

I recently worked with a client who felt he was always selling his coaching services. In his circle of connections: “Hey, I have something that can help you through that struggle!” At networking events: “Oh, I have this fantastic course I’m offering!” Online: “I’m here to help you through XYZ! Come check it out!”

Is there anything wrong with sharing what you do? Absolutely not.

Is there another way to connect? Always.

Leading with value helps authentic, honest, open relationships with everyone you come into contact with. If you aim toward creating community, even in one-on-one relationships with potential clients, you’re creating genuine connections. These people are far likelier to refer your services, attend your workshops, and invest in sessions with you.

Simple gestures like remembering significant details, following up on progress, or sending personalized thank-you notes as a standard practice in your business can help you find that edge to make a difference.

Approach #2: Seek collaboration.

If you have spent any time on social media lately, you’ll see that every other video or post is a would-be influencer who also offers coaching or wellness advice. 

No need to play comparison here! Your practice proves that you’ve got what it takes to serve well, and there’s no need to copy or mimic influencer-style marketing to grow your business.

Instead, consider forming collaborations with practitioners in complementing fields. Artists’ spaces, holistic centers, and meditation groups are popping up everywhere. Keep yourself connected to these professional marketplaces, and you may just find that perfect partnership to both provide value and get in front of a new segment of people who would benefit from your services.

Approach #3: Investigate (and invest in) your brand marketing.

Whether you’re the kind of practitioner or coach who locks your phone in a drawer between the hours of 4pm and 9am, or you mindfully look at what other practitioners in your field might be doing online, this approach is for you!

Consider all the ways potential customers might be interacting with your brand. Here’s a quick list of ideas to get you started!

  • Start building your email list and send consistent email newsletters 
  • Check that your LinkedIn profile and additional social media profiles are aligned and speaking to your true desired audience
  • Work with a coach to create and implement a branding and marketing strategy for your business
  • Incorporate a blog or resource section to your website (here’s mine!)

Approach #4:  Immerse Yourself in a Supportive, Knowledgeable Community

Surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded professionals can exponentially boost your practice. 

You could keep looking at your fully tapped-out referral networks…and you could keep tossing around haphazard marketing efforts to find your next client. You could even increase your workload (and potentially isolate yourself even further from supportive peers).

But you don’t have to. There’s another way.

The beauty of my SOAR Coaching Program is that together, we eradicate the echo chamber.

Through professional–and vulnerable–group sessions, you never have to feel like you have to hide a thing about your business or yourself. You’re encouraged to let all that “stuff” come to the surface to make real, marked progress.

Learn more about SOAR here!

Ready to embrace growth with open arms?

If you are a practitioner looking to make a bigger impact in your client community and grow your practice, but struggle with boundaries, overcoming fears, or understanding your business financials–among so many other elements of running a successful business–you’re not alone! SO many practitioners face these challenges on their journey to success!

It’s important to invest in yourself and your business to unlock your full potential and create a sustainable, thriving practice. By identifying and overcoming personal limitations, creating a business structure that supports consistent growth, and implementing effective marketing strategies, you can elevate your business to new heights.

If you’re ready to take your practice to the next level and break through the barriers holding you back, check out my “Business Breakthrough Tool” quiz. This quiz will help you assess where you are on your journey and provide valuable insights to support your growth and success.