Breakthrough to Arise!

Break Free and Create The Life of Freedom, Abundance,

and Joy You Were Created For!

You were not created to live in struggle, stress, or striving.

God made you to live a life of Freedom. 

Passion-fueled, purpose-centered living, empowered to thrive in the fulfillment, joy, and abundance He intended for you.

So, what’s stopping you from living that as your reality?

Are you stuck in the daily stress of living in anxiety, urgency, fear, and self-doubt?

Do you find yourself repeating patterns of thinking and behaving that are not serving you?

Do you feel disappointed in how life has turned out for you and don’t know how to create  the change you want? 

Has living become synonymous with stress and struggle?

Do you believe that you’re “the problem”– that you’ve gotten it all wrong and that an abundant life is for others but not for you?

Do you desire more in life but you’re not sure how to get it or if you’re worthy of it? 

Do you long for change but don’t even know where to start and feel powerless to make it happen for yourself?

That Life is NOT your portion. NOT your inheritance.

You are a divinely powerful child of God, and it is your divine heritage to live the life
of freedom, joy, and abundance that He created you for!

Your Dreams and Desires were placed in you to bring forth into the world!
It’s Vital That You Live Them!

Your Breakthrough is HERE.

Breakthrough to Arise Coaching Program is an Empowering Process of Learning To Live From Your True Identity and In Alignment with your Desires so you can Live the Life of your Design and Create The Dream in your Heart!  

Challenge and transform old survival based mindsets, patterns, and programs that keep you trapped.

Reprogram, repattern, and recondition your thoughts and your nervous system.

Live empowered with clarity, confidence, courage, and conviction. 

Access your inner wisdom and harness God’s power in you. 

Unlock new possibilities and unleash your potential. 

Through targeted coaching, community support, and spirit, mind, and body practices, Breakthrough to Arise is your toolkit for the transformation you want!

Step into your purpose and destiny as the beloved and highly favored child of God that you are so you can Thrive!

Hear from Breakthrough to Arise Graduates

From Surviving To Thriving!

Why Does Life Feel So Hard? 

We are living from survival patterns, programs, and conditioning that protect us – they try to keep us safe and comfortable BUT they are limiting and confining.  

Our childhood experiences become imprinted deep within us, and as we grow older, we unconsciously recreate our experiences over and over again. 

We adopt habits and mindsets that keep us trapped in cycles of misery and pain.

Even when we desire change, our feelings and experiences cause blind spots, and we find it nearly impossible to make the necessary shifts.

And our nervous system conditioning and limiting beliefs imprison us in anxiety, fear, shame, lack, and powerlessness. 

But here’s the great news.

By objectively and compassionately recognizing the mental, physical, and emotional patterns that create our reality, we can clearly see what we don’t want to carry forward with us. 

And once we do?

We can align with our true identity, honor our deepest desires, and create powerful shifts to live in alignment with who we really are, what really matters to us, and what’s possible for ourselves and our future.

Your current reality can–and will–change.

Let that sink in.

Your breakthrough is just ahead.

Meet Your Wise Guide, Connie Jones.

I’m so glad you’re here.

This work lights me up because I fully understand the disillusionment, disappointment, and discouragement so many of us feel.

I lived that reality for many years, searching for a way out.

I read the Bible, prayed constantly–and did everything I was “supposed” to do as a good Christian.

I sold out to God. I gave more. Sacrificed more. Worked harder and longer. Diligently sought help in years of counseling.

And when that didn’t work, I read every self-help book, listened to endless podcasts and sermons, and pushed myself to be better in every way. Did things get a little better over time? Certainly. Was I experiencing the BIG BREAKTHROUGHS I wanted so badly? Not even close.

Like you, I yearned for…

  • A deep sense of inner peace and joy
  • Freedom from people-pleasing, fear, anxiety, lack
  • Permission to stop self-sacrificing to care for others
  • Purpose-centered and passion-fueled work
  • Clarity, conviction, and confidence to ask boldly for what I wanted and feel worthy of receiving it
  • Deeply satisfying relationships
  • Financial freedom
  • To feel confident and empowered to live the life I desired and was created for
  • Joy, fun, and adventure in life

I yearned for a deep, intimate connection with God and a joyful peace allowing me to hear His voice and access His wisdom while enjoying His favor in my life each day.

But I had no idea how to make it happen in my reality…Until I changed my approach completely.

I stopped being run by the “shoulds”, “have tos”, and “supposed tos” of my old programming and inner persecutor. 

I began listening to the desires of my heart and trusting and following them as the way to my destiny instead of doubting, shaming, and abandoning myself. 

I learned how to repattern, reprogram, and recondition my thoughts, patterns, and nervous system so I lived from calm, confidence, courage, and conviction instead of bullied by fear, anxiety, urgency, and confusion. 

I discovered who God actually created me to be and learned to live aligned with and empowered by THAT ME rather than the small, scared, survival based me. 

Through thirty years of learning and experiencing first hand how the principles of Psychology, Neuroscience, God’s Truth, Nervous System Reconditioning, and Biblical Manifestation converge to Powerfully Transform us (spirit, mind, and body), I am passionate about guiding you to unlock and unleash your full potential and the reality of unlimited possibility in your lives.

Your personal invitation to Breakthrough to Arise

This program is perfect for you if:

You want true internal freedom and powerful Transformation in your life! 

You are willing to step into your power and change the direction of your life–and your family’s lives–for generations to come.

You are ready to reclaim your true Identity and live in your divine inheritance!

It’s TIME to live and lead from your optimized YOU–in the FULLNESS and FREEDOM that you were Created for.

It’s Time for You to Breakthrough to Arise so you can Live In Your True Identity and Inheritance!

Your Dreams and Desires are the path to Your Destiny.

This Coaching Program is the TRUE FREEDOM Framework – an Empowering Process to guide you how to live the life of your design and create the dream in your heart!

Program Details:

Each week for a full year, we’ll have touchpoints to connect through 1:1 sessions, group coaching/teaching sessions, small group support, and  MORE — all designed to bring you one step at a time into alignment with your true desires, deeper connection with God, and powerful transformation in your life!

You’ll receive transformational tools, Godly wisdom, Christian meditation and mindfulness activations, journaling exercises, nervous system reconditioning practices, and deep inner healing work that shifts your internal environment  in a powerful way so you can finally stand confidently in your God-given gifts and power and make shifts with courage and confidence to live the life of your design. 

This is the best of counseling, coaching, and spiritual discipleship all in one. 


This is your breakthrough.  Because it’s time for you to Arise! 

Your Breakthrough to Arise Includes:

  • Two 60-minute Virtual Coaching Groups per month
  • Six 30-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions (Use Anytime)
  • One 60-minute Q&A and Discussion Coaching Group per month
  • Community Support
  • Spirit, Mind, Body Practices, Transformational Tools, Christian Mindfulness/Meditative Activations, and MORE!


Pay In Full

$5500 paid in full discounted price



12 Monthly Payments

12 monthly payments of $500


If you would like to speak with Connie before purchasing to ensure that Breakthrough to Arise! is a perfect fit for you…