Breakthrough to Arise!

Creating The Life Of Freedom, Abundance, and Joy You Were Created For

You were not created to live in struggle, stress, or striving.

You were made to grow and expand into the fullness and freedom of who God created you to be so you can live passion fueled, purpose centered, and empowered to thrive in the fulfillment, joy, and abundance He intended for you!

So, what’s stopping you from living that as your reality?

→  Maybe it’s the daily stress of living in reactivity, urgency, fear and self-doubt that keep you stuck in the same cycles and patterns of thinking and behaving that aren’t moving you closer to where you want to be.

→  Maybe it’s the disappointment in how life has turned out and uncertainty about how to create the powerful change you want so badly.

→  Or the limiting beliefs that convince you that you aren’t really worthy of more, that you can’t really have what you want, and that you just can’t get it right like everyone else seems to.

Perhaps all of these are keeping you in the struggle in some way.  BUT that Life is NOT your portion. NOT your inheritance.

You are a divinely powerful child of the God of the universe,
and it is your divine heritage to live the life of
fullness, freedom, joy, ease, and abundance that He created you for!

If You’re Tired of Thinking… “Life wasn’t supposed to be this way…”

Life feeling HARD.

And no matter how much hoping, praying, learning, and working on yourself you do, things just don’t change. That your breakthrough isn’t happening.

Feeling resigned that this is just the way things are going to be, that life IS stress, anxiety, and struggle

Or frustrated because you know it can be different but you don’t know how to live that reality for yourself,

This Breakthrough to Arise Coaching Program is FOR you!

You may believe that you’re the problem. That you’ve gotten it all wrong. That the life that you want is for others but not for you.

That’s all LIES from the enemy. He wants you to stay stuck in your “feelings” and focused on your limited reality and possibilities.

But your feelings are not FACT. 
And your current reality is not all there is!

Once you understand how your thoughts and feelings really work, and you learn how God created the universe to function, including YOU and the Power of your Mind, you will be empowered to live the TRANSFORMED Empowered Life you were designed for – instead of the one you feel like you have to tolerate and settle for.

It’s time to understand and learn how to actually Reprogram, Repattern, and Recondition the survival mindsets, patterns, and programs that keep you trapped as a victim, and step into your purpose and destiny as the beloved and highly favored child of God that you are so you can Thrive in the Life of Freedom and Fullness you were designed for!

Step with Me into a God-Powered Life Wilder than Your Wildest Dreams!

Where You Awaken To Who You Really Are
Open To All That Is Possible For You
Learn To Amplify God’s Spirit Within You and
Transform Your Being and Your Reality Into The One You Were Created For!

Where You Awaken To Who You Really Are, Open To All That Is Possible For You, Learn To Amplify God’s Spirit Within You and Transform Your Being and Your Reality Into The One You Were Created For!

Here’s what happened….

The Reality is that who we are and what we do is determined by our past patterning and conditioning and programming.

You’ve been convincing yourself you’re the opposite of who you are and hiding your magic, diluting your power, and locking up your potential and limiting possibilities – because you’re programmed and habituated to survive – run by your survival brain.

Our earliest childhood experiences are imprinted deep within us. As we grow older, it is these earliest experiences that we unconsciously recreate.

Within every one of us are habits that trap us in cycles of misery, pain and self-destruction – within each of us is the ability to show up every day and leave behind those habits that no longer serve us and step into the highest version of ourselves.


By objectively and compassionately observing the mental, physical, and emotional patterns that fill our days, and create our current selves we can clearly see what we don’t want to carry forward with us and we can discover who we really are – what really matters and what is possible for us.

Within each of us is the ability to alchemize our trauma, disappointment, pain, and perceived lack and begin to live a life of purpose. And an ability to feel confident and empowered as we begin to consciously create a life that we LOVE and ENJOY. We are opening ourselves to the growth and expansion that is available to us.

What’s important for us to do is develop strong inner resources to help you transform into the higher version of you and build the life you want to live.

In This Program You Will…

→ Feel lighter than ever floating and soaring through life – tapping into and trusting internal resources that have been blocked.

→ Tap into your wisdom and learn to trust your intuition

Feel free to show up courageously, freely, and authentically YOU!

Wake up and do what you want to do from aligned focused and energized joyful being

Break free from old coping mechanisms, reactions, strongholds, and struggles that are creating a reality you don’t want so you can create the new reality you desire.

Connect deeply to God’s Spirit in you, learn to hear His voice, harness His power and wisdom within, and trust your instincts to guide your way to next level success, enjoyment, and fulfillment  in life. 

Understand and Embody your essence, Hone your gifts and shine your brilliance while fulfilling your passion and purpose to make the impact you were created for.

→ Understand and live aligned with your divine design and recondition old survival patterns in your brain and nervous system so you can experience deep inner peace, safety, and freedom and be the powerful attractor and creator of a life you love.

→  Shift Mindsets and Behaviors that Lead you to Big Breakthroughs to Unlock Your Full Potential and New Possibilities in every area of your life. 

Live and lead empowered with clarity, courage, conviction, and confidence so you ask for what you want and need and believe you can have it.

Experience deep emotional healing and discover and clear the unconscious blocks, triggers, and limitations holding you back.

Embrace your worthiness and fall in love with you so you can stop people-pleasing, self-sacrificing, caretaking, and settling for less and enjoy deep satisfying relationships with others and yourself. 

Conquer your inner critic and cycles of negativity and self-sabotage that rob you and reclaim inner peace and freedom and the fullness of God’s blessings in your life. 

Step into the highest version of you and learn how to apply the principles of Biblical manifestation to unleash the fruits of abundance, ease, and joy in the life God promises.

Learn a new way of living and leading that moves you out of the hard, the hustle, the urgency, the fear, lack, and self-sacrifice and start living and leading empowered, confident, and aligned with your natural rhythms, rest, and abundant flow in Him.

This Breakthrough Coaching Program is a compilation of over three decades of Godly wisdom and professional expertise that will completely transform you and every area of your life in ways you thought weren’t possible.

Connie’s Joy

Connie's Joy

First let me share that I am so passionate about this work because…

I fully understand the disillusionment, disappointment, and discouragement you feel.

I lived the same reality for many years. I read the Bible and prayed constantly.

I did everything I was supposed to do as a good Christian.

I sold out to God. I gave more and sacrificed more. I worked harder and longer. I diligently sought help in counseling (for 20 years).

I read every self-help book and listened to endless podcasts and sermons, and I pushed myself to be better in every way.

I tried everything I knew to change my reality.

And yes, things got a little better over time.

But the bigger Breakthroughs I wanted so badly, just weren’t happening. 

  • I yearned to feel a deep sense of inner peace and joy, and craved real freedom from people pleasing, fear, and anxiety.     
  • I wanted to stop self-sacrificing to caretake others, and feeling responsible for everyone and everything.     
  • I wanted to feel intimately connected with God, learn to hear His voice, and access His wisdom while enjoying His favor in my life daily.
  • I yearned to live purpose centered and passion fueled with clarity, conviction, and confidence and to ask boldly for what I wanted, believing I was worthy of receiving it.s
  • I craved deep satisfying relationships, to have margin for all the things I loved, be financially free, and enjoy a life of love, fun, joy, and adventure.

But I had no idea how to make it happen in my reality.

Until I began a deeper search for understanding and revelation through a combination of Professional Coaching and an extensive study (over the last ten years) of how…

Psychology, Neuroscience, God’s Truth, and Biblical Manifestation converge to create a path that unlocks and unleashes our full potential and the reality of unlimited possibility in our lives.

Read Warrior Arise!

The more I’ve applied these truths and principles in my life,
the more BIG Breakthroughs I’ve experienced!

And the more I’ve realized that the vast majority of people don’t know or understand how to bring together these concepts to stop living in the struggle, striving, and surviving and start harnessing their inner power and wisdom, and break survival based patterns of thinking and reacting, and reconditioning and reprogramming in  their mind, body, and spirit so they can begin experiencing breakthrough after breakthrough too!

Read Warrior Arise!

You’ve probably wondered why some people seem to have what they want, and you can’t.

No matter how hard you work, want, and pray, you’ve stayed stuck in the same old reality with your finances, your relationships, your inner joy, your fulfillment, your impact, your success, your lifestyle, and your connection with God.

It’s frustrating and exhausting!

And the truth is that more education or knowledge,
better tools, more “pleasing God”, more getting things right,
or more self-sacrifice is not the solution. 

All of these just keep you trapped in disappointment, discouragement, defeat, and eventually despair.

And the truth is that more education or knowledge, better tools, more “pleasing God”, more getting things right, or more self-sacrifice is not the solution. 

All of these just keep you trapped in disappointment, discouragement, defeat, and eventually despair.

No More “It Is What It Is”

You’re More Powerful than That!!

You’ve just been trapped in survival based patterns of thinking, conditioning, and reacting that have led to the reality you’re living in – and feel like you can’t break out of.


And I’m personally inviting you to Join me on this Journey. 

If you’re reading this, you already know, you’re called to be a cycle-breaker.  To be the one who steps into your power and changes the direction of your life and your families’ lives for generations. 

It’s possible!

God is the existence of all potential in the universe and He is infinite possibility. We are made in His image and likeness. Within us is unlimited potential and infinite possibility waiting to be unlocked and unleashed – optimized. 

It’s TIME To live and lead from your optimized YOU in the Fullness and Freedom that you were Created for. 

That Life Starts Right Here and Right Now!

Join Me in This Powerful comprehensive Coaching program that includes both 1:1 and coaching group support. 

In the Breakthrough to Arise program you’ll discover:

The True Freedom Formula

Break free from struggle, striving, stress, and surviving and repattern, reprogram, and recondition mindsets, patterns, reactions, and strongholds that keep you stuck so you can thrive in the freedom, impact, success, abundance, and enjoyment you were made for.

The “Created to Co-Create” Framework

Understand and learn how to connect to and harness God’s power and wisdom within you and apply transformational coaching principles, Godly truth, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Biblical Manifestation to unlock and unleash your potential and unlimited possibilities in your life. Clarify God’s divine design and your deepest desires and create them in your reality.

The 3D Empowered Life Process

Deepen your connection with God, yourself and others in a way that empowers you to live and lead in your optimal self and thrive in the life you desire. Learn the principles of optimal living and the daily practices and disciplines that support the transformation you’re longing for as we unlock the truth of God’s divine design for your life.

It’s Time for You to Breakthrough to Arise!

When we walk into the fullness of who we are in Christ, we experience the fullness of life.

And this is your invitation to discover how to bring that fullness into your everyday life–and live the everyday supernatural! 

If you’re longing for a true, powerful breakthrough and are tired of struggling on your own… this program is for you.

If you’ve ever wanted to work with me and learn everything I teach and practice for a transformed life that God intended for us, then here it is. It’s affordable and it’s doable, and I walk it out every step of the way with you! 

Each week for a full year, we’ll have a touchpoint to connect through 1:1 sessions, small support group, coaching/teaching sessions, and MORE — all designed to bring you one step at a time into a deeper connection with God and transformation in your life!

You’ll get access to transformational tools, Godly wisdom, Christian meditation and mindfulness activations, journaling exercises, and deep inner healing work that shifts your beliefs in a powerful way so you can finally stand confidently in your God-given gifts and power.

This is the best of counseling, coaching, and spiritual discipleship all in one. 

It’s the understanding and support you need for activation and transformation.

This is your breakthrough.  Because it’s time for you to Arise! 

Pay In Full

  • 2 60-minute Virtual Coaching Groups per month
  • 1 8 45-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions (Use Anytime)
  • 1 60-minute Q&A and Discussion Coaching Group per month
  • Community Support
  • Spirit, Mind, Body Practices, Transformational Tools, Christian Mindfulness/Meditative Activations, and MORE!

$5500 paid in full discounted price



12 Monthly Payments

  • 2 60-minute Virtual Coaching Groups per month
  • 8 45-minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions (Use Anytime)
  • 1 60 minute Q&A and Discussion Coaching Group per month
  • Community Support
  • Spirit, Mind, Body Practices, Transformational Tools, Christian Mindfulness/Meditative Activations, and MORE!

12 monthly payments of $500


If you would like to speak with Connie before purchasing to ensure that Breakthrough to Arise! is a perfect fit for you…

It’s time for you to understand and apply the spiritual, mental, and physiological keys to healthy, happy, prosperous living!

After staying in the stuck, struggle, longing, yearning, and survival and disappointment, discouragement and defeat of my own for years and after over 30 years of my own personal journey of deep inner healing, counseling, spiritual awakening/understanding… this program is the result.

As I broke free to live and lead in the fullness of who I am with inner freedom, peace, and joy… learning to harness my power, shifting relationships, life circumstances… and finally unlocking abundance and flow in my life while living in purpose, meaning and abundance in every area – I knew I had to share what I’ve learned and applied…

Since then I’ve helped hundreds of others understand and apply to get powerful breakthroughs in their lives.

It’s time for you to live in the fullness and freedom of who you
were created to be and create the life you really want – in every area!

It’s Time for You to Breakthrough to Arise!

Let’s identify your divine design and God’s divine plan for you so you can shift from struggle into the ease of receiving!

Let’s embrace your divine brilliance and power!

This is your invitation to discover how to bring that fullness into your everyday life–and live the everyday supernatural!

Join us in this year-long spiritual adventure and transformational experience and discover how to bring the everyday supernatural into your life as a believer.

If you would like to speak with Connie before purchasing to ensure that Breakthrough to Arise! is a perfect fit for you…