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CJ Coaching - Minimalist Logo

Holistic coaching
for a whole you
and a thriving business.

Connecting your heart and your mind to expand your impact and your revenue.

Connie Jones

Let’s go beyond modality mastery and ascend into a thriving business.

Coaches, therapists, practitioners, and entrepreneurs in the healing arts often begin their careers because of a desire to serve others.

What happens when being of service isn’t enough to fuel the growth of your business?

You’re ready to take your practice to the next level, but what you’ve done to get you where you are today no longer drives the results you once enjoyed.

  • You’re spinning your wheels, exhausted from giving yourself away to make a buck.
  • You’re tired of worrying about how to increase your revenue, fearing it won’t ever be enough, and wondering why your effort and energy isn’t producing the results you want.
  • You’re afraid to raise your rates to become profitable because you feel it might chase away the people willing to pay them.
  • Your workday bleeds into every waking moment, leaving you no time to dream, connect with those you love, or enjoy peace for yourself.
  • You spend your time trying to figure out how to decrease the stress, chaos and overwhelm of having so much to do–when it all has to get done.
  • You’re missing out on a supportive community where you can confess your worries and nurture peer relationships.

You may even find yourself wondering what world-shattering event will blindside you today–and you’re worrying in advance about how you’ll manage the stress.

YOU have the power to uplevel your business and flip that entire experience on its head.

Meet the Business Breakthrough Tool!

Is it time to thrive with more ease, enjoyment, and freedom?

If you’re ready to evolve from Practitioner to Business Owner, we have a tool for you! Our Business Breakthrough Tool leads you through reflections on your impact, revenue, and mindset as a business owner. Let’s dig in!

Take The Quiz!

Maximize your one-of-a-kind genius and build a business and life with freedom, fulfillment, and abundance.

Because it’s always time to level up.

Through transformational holistic coaching that leaves no stone unturned, Connie Jones equips and empowers heart-centered, mission-driven, spiritually-minded business owners to reignite their passion, reclaim their authority and grow their business in alignment with their Personal Why. 

When you partner with Connie, you’ll lead your business and your life with an embodied confidence, crystal clarity, and with a regulated, resourced body and mind. You’ll get away from solely working IN your practice to working ON growing your business.

And you’ll live and lead in alignment with your values and desires as you grow your practice and your income, leverage your time, and thrive in your life and work.

I’m Connie Jones, and I’m so glad you’re here!

Over twenty years in the therapist’s chair have taught me that people who are stuck want one thing: To break free and live an empowered, abundant life.

Through my own dedication to overcoming my personal constraints, reprogramming my limiting beliefs and ineffective behavior patterns, and reconditioning my nervous system to thrive, I’ve created ease and alignment in my life while applying sound strategy to effectively grow my business.

As your breakthrough coach, I want that for you, too.

I’m here to help you navigate the journey of your heart and your mind to release the tensions and struggles you face as a business owner to uncover the whole of who you are so you can Be Rewarded For Being Fully and Freely YOU!

Together, we create powerful transformations in you, your business and in your life.

Let’s leap!


This is breakthrough coaching
with a Business Strategist.

A gifted coach and business growth strategist, Connie works wonders (that often feel like magic) with her clients by providing heart-centered, mind-renewing breakthrough coaching techniques and savvy business strategy to empower entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential and apply all the essential elements of a successful, thriving business!

She empowers high-achieving business owners, coaches, therapists, and holistic practitioners to SOAR to aligned success and build a business and life with the freedom, impact, abundance, and joy they were created for!

SOAR Group Coaching Program

Is it time to learn how to stop operating like an octopus on roller skates and start managing your energy and priorities? You have the capability to leave hustle and grind behind and become a confident expert in your business! In our 9-month group coaching and accountability program for established service-based business owners, we level up. All of it. Your business practice, your revenue, your magnetism, your impact, your energy, and your ENJOYMENT!

Under Connie’s expert guidance and professional–and vulnerable–group sessions, you never have to feel like you have to hide a thing about your business or yourself. Let’s get you moving away from working IN your business to working ON growing a thriving,
profitable business you love!

ASCEND Group Coaching Program

Are you the leader of a high-six to seven-figure business experiencing stagnant growth, a hunger for personal and spiritual development, or thoughts of shifting your role in favor of more freedom and time spent enjoying life? ASCEND is a group mastermind with 1:1 coaching for faith-fueled visionary CEOs whose high drive and “do it all” mentality has served you well over the years to generate business success – but you are ready for a momentous shift.

Participants have experienced everything from revenue growth to more meaningful impact, expanding philanthropy, better relationships, more free time for what matters most, and deeply satisfying journeys to
health and happiness!

One-on-One Breakthrough Business Coaching

Are you a coach, holistic practitioner, therapist, or service provider feelingstuck? Perhaps your passion for serving your purpose has roots as deep as can be, but you’re sharing your energy with unruly task lists, less-than-stellar delegation, or stagnant growth. Private business coaching is the way to address your unique challenges and support your sustainable evolution as the Visionary Founder and CEO of your practice or business. Individual coaching participants accelerate their growth through whole-hearted vulnerability and frank accountability.

Clients report skyrocketing revenue, alignment shifts, more meaningful impact, the selection of best-fit teams, more freedom and enjoyment in their days, and more–all elements that make deeper levels of growth, expansion, and impact possible. It’s time to expand and thrive with more ease, enjoyment, and freedom.

What my clients have to say…

I sought out coaching with Connie when I felt fearful, stressed, overwhelmed in the executive position I was in at the time, and thought I wanted help with becoming a better CEO. What I needed was help seeing how misaligned I was in that position. I’m now free from the toxic corporate position and I’m connecting with the authentic “me” and living my best life. I’m also learning that I’m not a failure because I couldn’t fit into a toxic environment. I needed to let go of trying to be perfect in the eyes of others and learn to love myself enough to walk away. Working with Connie has helped me make these breakthroughs and after just six months, I now have a healthier job and am excited to be exploring the bigger dream in my heart. I’m more connected than ever with my husband, and I’m happier and inspired overall. Connie keeps me grounded and brings me back to my truth when the rest of the world is shouting other things at me. She helps me see my way out of stuck places, and her guidance has given me the confidence to believe in myself and dream big. Now I understand that you can either flounder by yourself or you can work with Connie and align with your true essence and gain clarity much quicker. Connie “gets me” and she held a container of hope for me until I could hold it for myself. She is clearly aligned with her highest purpose, and I’m grateful she is helping me align with mine.

Katie Myers
Executive Director

Erinn Harris HeadshotI sought out coaching with Connie because I was frustrated. I wanted “me” back. I wanted to spend time with my family and enjoy life rather than working long hours and feeling stressed out. I also felt emotionally stuck in several areas and was fearful about some changes I knew I needed to make in my business. Connie put me at ease and incited hope in me as I felt cared for and comfortable in her presence. Her God given intuition is what makes her a powerful coach. I could feel the Holy Spirit speaking through her. And the results were amazing. I spend more time with God, my family, and myself, and my business grew 511% in two years. I am now starting a second business and considering a third. My marriage has flourished, and I actually like and accept who I am. Professionally, I sharpened my skills and am a confident business woman. I love this new and improved “me”. It’s awesome to look back on my goals in the beginning and see that I’ve been able to accomplish them! 

Erinn Harris M.D.
Owner, Harris Internal Medicine

Doug PictureBefore working with Connie, I was feeling stuck and trapped in a mindset that was creating anxiety and guilt. Through coaching, Connie has helped me let go of what is not serving me and be free to be me instead of who I think people want me to be. As a result, I am much less critical of myself. I now know it is okay to say “No” and allow myself room to grow and thrive! Connie has also helped me gain freedom from my mind. I now like to think of my thoughts as bars in front of me and when I feel like my thoughts are keeping me stuck or trapped, I walk around the bars. When negative thoughts enter my mind, I don’t allow them to dictate or limit my actions, and I release the ones that don’t make me better. Connie is a great listener and will help you discover your true self and set you free from the “not enough” programming that limits you. I love being able to be vulnerable and have someone listen with complete attention and no biases. Connie has not only overcome her own emotional struggles but truly understands how you can get stuck or locked up in your "stinking thinking" mindset. She truly wants to help you become your best self and manifest your dreams into your reality.

Doug A.
President Georgia-Texas Enterprises

Joyce Beverly HeadshotWhen I began coaching with Connie, I felt overwhelmed with responsibility in my work and wasn’t best utilizing my unique skills. I desperately wanted change but could not see how to break free to do what I wanted. Connie listened to me and gently helped me see my self-imposed roadblocks, as well as my gifts. I loved that she understood the psychological conflicts I needed to overcome to change. With Connie’s help, I “went for it”. Now I have a business that allows me to do work I enjoy and am uniquely qualified to do, one that fits my “why” and a life that supports my natural rhythms. I have honed existing skills and learned many new ones. I overcame an overactive sense of duty and responsibility, and I shattered my “shoulds” to do what I was created to do. I have also learned how to deal with discouragement, the nagging voice in my head that tells me I can’t do it or I’m not worthy. When she’s too noisy, I take her for a walk and drop her off a few miles from home. It’s the best feeling in the world! It’s been a transition for sure, but worth every moment of anxiety. Now I am free to make the most of my life in every aspect. Connie walked me through it all and kept me on path. Everybody needs Connie. Her unfailing encouragement and coaching was always there to remind me of how far I’ve come and how much MORE there is ahead. 

Joyce Beverly
My Storyographer

John Snow PictureCoaching with Connie helped me get my life back on track! With Connie’s help, I took my life back with hard work and determination. I got out of a toxic relationship and moved to get a new start. I was promoted to Art Director for a premier television series after feeling “stuck” as an Assistant Art Director for years. Now, I’m enjoying traveling internationally to lead and manage the set and the show. I am now free from what felt like crushing debt, and I am buying my own home in a quaint village I love. Eating healing and running every day has resulted in me losing 55 lbs. Connie was one of the few people that recognized the toxic relationship I was in and believed in me when I had trouble believing in myself. It’s all crystal clear to me now! I am grateful! 

Art Director

There are so many good things to say, I don’t know where to begin! Coaching with Connie has grown me tremendously! When I started, I felt lost personally and professionally. I had some hard emotional things to work through as I was lacking confidence, not choosing healthy relationships, and having a hard time managing my staff. Connie helped me weed out bad seeds in my life to make room for the good ones, so I enjoy healthy relationships. Now I confidently walk away from things that don’t serve me. I have more confidence in myself and my business, resulting in my salon growing and thriving! My ability to lead my staff and be assertive has greatly improved, and my income has increased as I am charging what I’m worth without feeling guilty. Coaching with Connie was the best decision I ever made! 

Madi Chivington
Owner, Native Mane Salon

When I started working with Connie, I had lost my passion for life and had multiple self-destructive patterns that were controlling my existence. I was on unemployment, had alienated myself from all that loved and cared for me, and had little meaning in my life. Now ten years later, my life and business are thriving, I'm married with two beautiful children, have discovered my calling from God, and having developed healthy coping mechanisms and habits. All that being said, I feel that I'm truly an asset and not the liability that I used to be. Through the years, Connie has helped me breakthrough the bondage of my past. The lies I believed since childhood have been replaced with truths. I've grown from the victim mindset to a self-aware, principled individual who takes ownership of my actions. I've also developed a true understanding and acceptance of God's will for my life. In addition to working with me, Connie also coaches our team. It’s fun watching my employees respond to our coaching sessions with breakthroughs too. 

Brandon Harp
Owner, B2 Contracting

When I began coaching with Connie, I felt so stuck in a continuous battle of searching for validation in all the wrong places. I was at such a crossroads, and needed to resolve some struggles regarding family, faith, and personal stability. Connie helped me release all anger and resentment and find my voice. I now have a closer relationship to the people that mean the most to me, and I learned how to stop being a people pleaser. I have learned to let go and live aligned with my top priorities, my happiness and health! She has empowered me to feel free to be myself. I can now live my life to the fullest because of Connie and her coaching. She took the time to learn my struggles, find out what methods worked best for me. She truly cares about all of her clients and wants them to succeed in every area of life and work. She is patient and attentive. If there is ever an area of struggle, she will build such confidence that makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Her approach to tough situations allows you to discover your true self by navigating through some of life's toughest obstacles. Connie is the real deal! I can honestly say that Connie's coaching was the best decision I ever made personally and professionally.

Meg Holman
Senior Finance Manager, External Manufacturing

Read Warrior Arise!

Connie Jones shares her story, the journey of her heart, from growing up in an idyllic Christian home to decades of being trapped in the debilitating cycle of performance and achievement. She gives a powerful recount of the mental, emotional, and physical breakdown that became her breakthrough.

In Warrior Arise! Connie invites you to close the gap between the reality of the life you’re living and the life you were created for. She shows you how to silence the voices of fear, shame, and self-doubt that keep you playing small so you can be fully, powerfully alive in your truth and unique purpose.

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